Tag Archives: Star Wars

Star Wars is Everywhere

In theaters.


In costumes.


In lunch boxes.


In cookies.


In blog posts.


It is even referenced in other movies.  Here is a clip from Reign of Fire (2002 PG-13), in which Gerard Butler and Christian Bale entertain a group of kids in a future with no electricity.

Fun scene in a good movie!

Where are your favorite Star Wars references from TV and movies?


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The Enduring Fun of Frozen


It has been months since Frozen (2013 PG), Disney‘s animated musical, has been in theaters.  Yet for some reason this movie has taken hold of Americans more than other Disney movies recently.  Can you name any of the characters from Brave (2012 PG)?  Can you sing more than the first line of the chorus of Mother Knows Best from Tangled(2010 PG)?


My teenaged daughters dressed up as Elsa and Anna.

Our family went to WonderCon, an annual comic book, science fiction, and motion picture convention in Anaheim, California.  What fun!  Many people came dressed as characters from Spider Man, Dr Who, Star Wars, Batman and Disney.

Watch as people gather for a spontaneous singing of Frozen songs:

What is your favorite song from Frozen?  Or do you prefer other Disney movies?

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Airplane! Is it Still Funny?


Airplane! (1980 PG) is one of the first spoof movies.  This comedy makes fun of current fads and all sorts of disaster movies.  Now, it would probably be PG-13.  Is it still funny today?

Years ago I first saw Airplane! at a sleepover with a bunch of junior high friends.  I remember it was unlike movies I was used to, like The Love Bug and Star Wars.  I laughed because I thought that mature people would laugh, not because I really thought it was funny.

When my husband and I watched it recently, I wondered if I would think it was funny now that I’m an adult, and presumably would understand all the jokes.  Here’s what I found:

1.  It’s fun noting how airports and air travel have changed.

I remember holding on tightly to my dad’s hand while walking past the strange religious people at the airport.  Airplane! spoofs their zeal.

2.  Airplane!  spoofed other movies, and is spoofed in movies even today.

Airplane! spoofs Saturday Night Fever, and then gets spoofed by Elf.

3.  The dialogue is truly funny!

What is it?  Don’t call me Shirley!  All together.

I love the extreme disaster music, too.  Don’t call me Shirley.

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Three Reasons Why I Like Star Wars


Last night our family watched Star Wars – A New Hope (1977 PG) on the big screen of our local Salvation Army Community Center.  This was a fundraiser for their Hero’s Wanted Scholarship Campaign.  Fun evening!

Here’s why I like Star Wars:


1.  Families can share it together.  People brought their small children to the movie.  My daughters sang along with the Cantina song (they knew it because their high school jazz band performed it). I reminisced about my favorite lines with my girls:

  • Han to Luke after he shoots down a TIE Fighter:  Great kid, don’t get cocky!
  • Obi-Wan Kenobi to Luke about Mos Eisley:  You will never find a more wretched hive of scum and villainy.
  • The Jawas when they steal R2D2:  Oo-tini!


2.  Star Wars allows people to show their creativity.  Our friend is a new member of the 501st Legion, also known as Vader’s Fist.  He spent many months building his Storm Trooper costume, pouring over movie stills and schematics to get it just right. You can see him in the picture – pretty amazing, right?!

From Chewbacca to the Sand People, these creative adults spend their free time sharing their talents with each other and with the public.  For movie snacks, we even could chose from Light Sabers (large pretzel sticks dipped in white chocolate), Death Stars (round cocoa puff rice crispy treats), and TIE Fighters (s’mores shaped like the bad guy’s fighter ships).


3.  The actors have become familiar to us.  I’ve read Carrie Fisher’s books – did you know she was only 19 when the movie came out, and used the money to buy her very own New York City apartment where she reunited with her estranged father?  Harrison Ford has grown in his four decades of movies, although I don’t think my daughters recognized him as the same person in 42 (2013).  Kids recognize Darth Vader’s voice (James Earl Jones) in The Sandlot and The Lion King and Jack and the Bean Stalk.

Fun movie!



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